Module 2: Install Your Tools

The Netflix UX/UI Design Boot Camp will expose you to many tools. Some or all of them will be new to you. Believe it or not, you'll soon find these tools as familiar as email or an app on your phone.

We'll summarize each tool and then give you the opportunity to install the tools before the first class. We'll also include tips and resources that you can use to familiarize yourself with some of the tools.

Ready for Action!

Make sure that you have the following items available before continuing:

  • Webcam, microphone, and headphones
  • High-speed internet connection (minimum speed requirements: download 25 Mbps, upload 5 Mbps)
  • A laptop that has at least 8 gigabytes (GB) of RAM and 64-bit dual processor

    Note Mac or Windows laptops are fine; unfortunately, Linux is not supported.

Hands On Tools!

  • Pens, pencils, and either a couple of Sharpies or a few markers
  • Blank paper (8.5 × 11 inches)
  • Scissors
  • A glue stick
  • Four to eight packs of paper sticky notes (such as Post-it notes) in various colors
  • An X-ACTO knife
  • Students on laptops also recommend using an additional external monitor

An Overview of Your Tools

Please make sure to have the following seven tools installed and ready to go by your first day of class:

  • Google Chrome
  • Google Drive
  • Slack
  • Figma
  • InVision
  • Miro
  • Zoom

Before installing these tools, take a few moments to examine them in more detail. This will help you understand the role that each tool will play in our course.

Note You'll also have an opportunity to connect with us by the first day of class to ask about intallations.

Google Chrome


We'll use Google Chrome as our primary web browser as it has several tools and extensions that make it ideal for designers. If you currently use a different browser, switch to Chrome for the boot camp.

If you don’t already have Chrome installed, install it by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Chrome download page.

  2. Download, open, and run the installation file.

Google Drive


Throughout the boot camp, you'll use Google Drive to access the lecture slides, activity files, and homework. You'll receive access to the class-specific shared drive during the online orientation. You'll use your personal drive to submit your assignments.

To install Google Drive, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click the "Sign in" button in the top-right corner of your browser window.

  3. Click "More options," and then click "Create account."

  4. Fill out the form, and then click the "Next step" button.

  5. Read Google's Privacy and Terms disclosure, and then agree to the terms.

  6. On the Welcome page, click Continue to go to the Google homepage.

  7. Click the "Google apps" button (which has a grid icon in the top-right corner of your browser window). On the menu that displays, click the Drive button, as the following image shows:

    A screenshot points out the Drive button.

Once in your drive, you can create and upload files and folders. You can then share these files and folders with others via a link. To upload and share a folder with your instructor, for example, follow these steps:

  1. Click New. On the menu that displays, click "Folder upload," as the following image shows:

    A screenshot points out the Folder upload item on the menu.

  2. Select the folder that you want to upload, and then click Upload. A copy of the folder now exists in your drive.

  3. Right-click the folder in your drive. On the menu that displays, click "Get shareable link," as the following image shows:

    A screenshot points out the Get shareable link item on the menu.

  4. Click "Sharing settings." Click the "Anyone with the link can edit" option, and then click Done, as the following image shows:

    A screenshot depicts the Anyone with the link can edit option and the Done button.

You're now all set! Your instructor will be able to edit your folder once they have the link. To send the link, click "Copy link" before clicking Done. You can then paste the link into an email.



We'll use Slack to send the activity files during class, to send important announcements, and to facilitate the group exercises. You'll receive the link to your class-specific workspace during the orientation. Although a Slack web client exists, you should install the program on both your laptop and your phone for this course.

To install and set up Slack for the boot camp, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Slack, and then click Download. (If you already have the Slack app, skip this step.)

  2. When the installation completes, add our workspace to the app. (You'll get the workspace name during the first class).

  3. Click the "+" button on application's sidebar.

  4. Click "Sign in to another team."

  5. Enter the Slack domain that you received during the orientation, as the following image shows:

    A screenshot points out the box where you enter the Slack domain.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Enter your email address (the one where you received the Slack invite) and your password.



Figma is a vector prototyping tool that works on different platforms. With Figma, designers can rapidly create interfaces and prototypes. It's completely cloud based, and it allows for live collaboration with other designers on the same file.

To create a Figma account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Figma site, and then click "Sign up."

  2. Create an account.

As a student, you can get a free education license for two years! To apply for the Education plan, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Figma Education page, and then click "Apply for the free Education plan."

  2. Fill out your name and email address, using the email address that's associated with your Figma account. Fill out the rest of the required fields.

About Vector Tools

People in the industry use many tools to create vector-based designs. Currently, the leading tools are Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD. We chose to feature Figma, but this boot camp is tool agnostic, which means that you're free to use any tool that you want. In fact, we encourage you to explore different tools and find out what works for you. However, we designed the activity files and templates that the course supplies for Figma. Tools come and go. We feel more concerned with your design process and how you carry out your designs than with the tool that you use.

To learn about tool usage in the industry, go to the | Compare Design Tools page.



In this course, you'll use InVision to both build prototypes and collaborate with others. This tool can help you communicate your thoughts and ideas and figure out whether what you're trying to do will work.

To create an InVision account, follow these steps:

Note If you already have an account, email InVision education support instead with your expected graduation date. They'll process your account and give you an upgrade to the Education License.

  1. Go to the InVision website to create an account and apply for a free Education License. For the validation code, use 20-10-27-34.

  2. Note that you'll shortly receive a free account upgrade for the duration of the program.

Note InVision currently gives education users InVision V6 but will eventually migrate them to V7. We recommend that you use V6. To do so, you might need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to InVision.

  2. On the screen that displays, select the Personal option to access your V6 account.



Designers love drawing on whiteboards and using lots of sticky notes when forming ideas and during brainstorming sessions. However, it's nice to have a digitized version to refer to later! Enter Miro—an online collaborative platform where teams can work together on a virtual whiteboard and with digital sticky notes.

To create a Miro account:

  • Go to the Miro website, and then sign up for a free account.

To apply for the Education account:



Since your class is being held remotely, you'll use Zoom to interact with your classmates and instructional team. Use the following two videos to guide you through the installation process and to get an introduction to some features that you might use:

Tool Tutorials

The boot camp covers a lot, so we want you to feel comfortable with the tools ahead of time. We recommend that you go through the tutorials in the following two playlists before you start class: